Serving Jesus in Our Community

Bible Notes

Matthew 5:9 (11.11.16)

Matthew 5:9
Blessed are the peacemakers,
    for they will be called children of God.

Here’s a verse for today. After the rancour of the American Elections, with the current conflict in the Middle East, and with divisions in our country exposed and encouraged by the EU referendum, I’ve become increasingly aware of how precious and fragile peace is. No day is this as clear as today, Armistice Day, as we remember those fallen in conflict. And yet, somehow, it is the forceful, the brash, the assertive that we still celebrate and take note of, those who divide rather than unite, those who demand rather than give. But this is not what God values. God values those who seek peace. It is they whom he calls his children. Perhaps answering this call is the best way to remember today.

Teach us to be a family of peacemakers.

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