Serving Jesus in Our Community

Virtual Church

Virtual Service 38 – Advent 2 (06.12.20)

Today is the 2nd Sunday of Advent. Our theme this week is ‘waiting’ – what are you waiting for this Advent? If you’re joining us ‘live’ on Sunday morning at 10.30am, do come and join us after the service for our post-service cuppa & chat on Zoom. Details below the video.

Post Service Cuppa & Chat
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 856 2829 4611
Passcode: 542515

A big thank you to Engage Worship for generously giving permission to use their resources in this service:

Pictures and videos that are not our own are used with permission of and

Lyrics and music covered through our CCLI Licence:


  1. Helen Dellar

    Thanks for the encouragement to engage in ‘active waiting’; being ready to respond to the prompting of the Spirit. I found the illustrations you used most helpful. (1, Security guards who are employed to keep watch over their place of work as they wait, and 2, the pit crew at a race meeting who are always alert for their moment to spring into action.) May we too be ready to wait and listen for what God is saying to us at the appropriate time. Thank you!
    It was also so nice to see everyone (except you, that is!) afterwards at the Virtual Cuppa & Chat. We feel very included in the fellowship!
    Great news also about the Carols at Paradise Park. Very exciting to hear.

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