Serving Jesus in Our Community

Bible Notes

2 Chronicles 9:12 & Matthew 19:29 (28.11.24)

2 Chronicles 9.12.
“King Solomon gave the Queen of Sheba all she desired and asked for …more than she had brought to him.”

Matthew 19.29.
“And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.”

The Queen of Sheba went to a lot of trouble to meet King Solomon, and she came bringing costly gifts to honour him. But she found herself being blessed with more than she had given. When we bring to God our worship, when we declare our appreciation of all that he has done, when we offer him our time, our possessions and money, even if we give up everything for the Lord Jesus, it is we who end up being blessed more than we ever imagined.

Lord, you give far more than you receive. What you give us is a hundred times better than anything we can give you. Thank-you for the riches of your grace.

Today’s photo is of the lichen Cladonia fimbriata. It’s quite handsome, but it turns out to be much more interesting than it looks. Lichens are a remarkable combination of alga and fungus growing in a single structure which is different from either of its components. Likewise the church is so much more than the sum of its individual members!

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