Who are we?
We are a friendly all-age church in Wormley, Hertfordshire, committed to welcoming all and serving our local communities. We hope that we have something to offer of interest to you. Explore the sections below to find out more about our activities and services and how you can become involved.

The congregation at the celebration of our minister’s 25th anniversary
- A diverse community that values and is made up of people of different backgrounds, cultures, ages and experiences. We hope to make everyone feel at home and that they have something to offer.
- A curious people seeking to learn from the Bible and each other, and committed to discerning what faith means for today.
- A grateful congregation that gathers to worship God in response to who he is and what he has done for us.
- An active movement seeking to make a difference in our communities
One of our main activities each week is our Sunday service at 10.30am at Wormley Community Centre. What can you expect if you join us?

One of our church leaders speaking in a recent service
- Relaxed and informal services with lots of conversation and laughter.
- Singing Christians have always sung to celebrate God and to open ourselves to him. We sing a wide range of songs from contemporary tunes to traditional hymns, usually led by a guitarist.
- Children Children are welcome and play an active part in our services. Part way through the service, those of primary school age and below leave the service for their own activities.
- Thought provoking talks After the children have left, we have a talk inspired by a passage in the Bible. These help us to learn about God and what the Bible has to say about our lives today. We have a number of speakers, including our minister, each with their own style and viewpoints.
- Communion Once a month, the service will also include communion (you may know this as the eucharist, or Lord’s Supper). This is a simple but profound act of eating bread and drinking wine (blackcurrant juice) together, as Jesus did with his friends, to remember and celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection. Anyone who loves Jesus and who wants to follow him is welcome to join us in this. We ask parents to supervise their children if they are present, and allow them to determine if they feel it is suitable for them to join in.
- A Collection During the service, we also have a financial collection or offering. This is another way in which we express our love of God and support the work of the church (which is self-funded). Many members also give through their bank accounts during the week. The church would not be able to provide its services and activities without this income, and we are grateful to all who give so generously to us. Visitors should not feel obliged to give.
Although our Sunday services are a central part of our life, they’re just a fraction of what we’re about. They’re a bit like a Formula 1 pitstop, a time when we gather to learn about God, to refocus, and to be equipped to go out into the week to serve him and the communities we live and work in. Alongside our services, as a church we also:
- Host Broxbourne foodbank, distributing food Monday to Friday for local people in need
Dollie at Foodbank
- Run a toddler group on Wednesdays during term time
Toddlers’ Summer Picnic
- Hold a weekly ‘Drop-In’ lunch for those looking for a place to meet others
Dominoes after lunch
- Run a weekly Conversation Cafe for those with English as a second language who want to improve their skills
- Play an active part in our local ‘Churches Together’ group and activities
- Support our Wormley Primary School and Broxbourne Primary School through assemblies and other means
- Run courses for those who are interested in Christianity and want to find out more
- Hold a weekly Bible Study group for those wishing to explore the Bible and it’s relevance for today, and prayer group, praying for the needs of our congregation, the local community, and our world.
These are some of the different ways you can keep up to date with what’s going on:
- Visit the ‘Latest News’ page
- Join our Facebook page and group
- Follow our Twitter feed
Do get in touch via our contact page.
If you’ve got questions about:
- our Toddler Group, get in touch here
- or about Hall Hire, get in touch here