Reading: Psalm 129:1-4
1 “They have greatly oppressed me from my youth,”
let Israel say;
2 “they have greatly oppressed me from my youth,
but they have not gained the victory over me.
3 Plowmen have plowed my back
and made their furrows long.
4 But the Lord is righteous;
he has cut me free from the cords of the wicked.”
Thought for Reflection:
Bill Wither’s famous ‘Lean on Me’ starts with the following words:
‘Sometimes in our lives
We all have pain, we all have sorrow
But if we are wise
We know that there’s always tomorrow
Lean on me when you’re not strong
And I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on’
As Christians we know the truth of this. Our faith is not a fast-track ticket out of suffering, but it is a promise that God is with us and as a faithful friend will see us through it. We will still face suffering, but it will not master us.
Thank you Father for your faithful love. Help us to lean on you and trust in your tomorrow.
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