Serving Jesus in Our Community


Prayer points for the Winter Night Shelter (Week 1)

The Winter Night Shelter begins this coming week! We’ve been sent the following prayer points – please join us in prayer:

The Winter Night Shelter will be starting on Monday 7 th January and running for 8 weeks.
Please pray for the following:
* For the final preparations, that all will go smoothly.
* For the venue coordinators at each of the seven venues: Waltham Cross Baptist Church, St Joseph’s Waltham Cross, Wormley Free Church, Elim Life Church, Hoddesdon, St Cuthbert’s Church, Hoddesdon, St Augustine’s Church, Broxbourne, St Augustine’s RC Church, Hoddesdon
* For all the volunteers, as they start out on this new role
* For effective communication between those in need and those at the council so that guests for the night shelter are appropriately matched up to the venues.
* For each guest who comes, that they will feel welcomed and valued
* For an atmosphere of peace, love, warmth and encouragement at each venue.

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