Ezekiel 1.26b-28
[26] …high above on the throne was a figure like that of a man. [27] I saw that from what appeared to be his waist up he looked like glowing metal, as if full of fire, and that from there down he looked like fire; and brilliant light surrounded him. [28] Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. When I saw it, I fell face down, and I heard the voice of one speaking.
All over the world people have been putting rainbows in their windows during the pandemic. Why? – because the rainbow is a symbol of hope and grace: after the storm, the rainbow comes, and with it we look forward to a new start. The sight of the glory of God brought Ezekiel to his knees in awe. But this same God, enthroned in majesty, wants to be known by his people, and Ezekiel’s message to the people would be that he is a God of judgement but also a God of grace, a God of new starts.
Father, on this Easter Monday, we celebrate the new start, the new life, that your Son has given us through his sacrifice!
Mark capstick
Blessed be the King of new starts of new things to come to wash away the old and just as at the end of a rain and the sun comes shining through a rainbow a new start and new king welcome Lord hosanna in the highest and you start today
Mark capstick
Blessed be the King of new starts of new things to come good to have the lord our God beside me. Hope you and it family are doing well bless you ben