Serving Jesus in Our Community

Bible Notes

Proverbs 18:13 (23.06.20)

Image by Couleur from

Proverbs 18:13 NIV
To answer before listening—that is folly and shame.

In the 70’s sitcom ‘The Odd Couple’, one of the characters, Felix Unger, had the catchphrase, ‘”Never assume, because when you assume, you make an ass of you and me.” There is wisdom in that, echoing today’s Proverb. It is so easy to assume that we know what other people feel and want and believe, because we assume they are like us, or we put them in a box or stereotype. But we are all different and everyone has something that we can learn from. If we assume we miss out, what’s more our assumptions can lead to hurt and confusion.

Spirit, help me to be wise and listen before I speak.

Ps. Don’t forget to pray for and promote the Alpha Course…

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