Welcome to this week’s virtual service. Today is all about good news! In the midst of these difficult days, there is still plenty to celebrate, so join with us to worship and, if you’re watching this at 10.30am on Sunday 18th October, do grab a cuppa afterwards and join us for our post-service chat – details below the video.
Post Service Cuppa & Chat
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 825 0902 1595
Passcode: 308478
Permissions BLESS THE LORD "Stock footage provided by June2015, Harry, kiril-videvo, stockfootage, videvo, mikesteinkamp downloaded from www.videvo.net" Video by wisconsinpictures from Pixabay GOOD NEWS Video by Bellergy RC from Pixabay TO BE A PILGRIM Credits on the video after the song Other lyrics and music covered through our CCLI Licence: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CLXhldRWpeqVvUUcYYNZN0Go9-FfbxHw/view Other video clips free from pixabay.com
What would we do without our brothers and sisters in Wormley. Thank you for bringing us together every Sunday and all your hard work that goes into the services.
richard manley
can not log in zoom i would like to know more about alphar couse
Ben Quant
Hi Richard, sorry you couldn’t log in today. I’ll pop you on the list for Alpha – chat soon.