Isaiah 1:17 NIV
Learn to do right; seek justice.
Defend the oppressed.
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
plead the case of the widow.
You might think this verse from Isaiah is an odd one to slip into a week’s verse about caring for the environment, but it’s far from that. As the climate changes, the rich will be able to afford to adapt and if necessary move, whereas the poor are left to suffer. Arguably this has been seen as people struggle to respond to the dramatic floods of recent years around the world; if you have money, they’re a painful inconvenience, but if you’re poor, the consequences are catastrophic. Jesus called us to love our neighbours, a significant way of doing that right now is by taking action to restrict climate change.
Spirit, point out areas in my life where my consumption and lifestyle damages the planet. Prompt me to change out of love for humanity.
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