Welcome to this week’s virtual service! This may be our last pre-recorded service as next Sunday we’re able to restart our physical morning services. We do hope to upload or stream our services going forward. This week we’re exploring the story of David & Goliath and our favourite gripping Bible stories. If you’re watching this ‘live’ on Sunday morning (from 10.30am), do come and join us in our post-service cuppa and chat, details below.
The children have their own Sunday Club beforehand, if they miss it or want to watch it again, this is the video we’re using:
Post Service Cuppa & Chat:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 884 6336 0779
Passcode: 688786
Credits & Permissions Lyrics and music covered through our CCLI Licence: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CLXhldRWpeqVvUUcYYNZN0Go9-FfbxHw/view Other video clips & images free from pixabay.com and www.pexels.com
Mark Capstick
Looking forward to seeing real faces next Sunday can’t wait 2 weeks without service thank you hope to see you all soon stay safe
Ben Quant
Not long now!
Mark Capstick
Correction 70 weeks without seeing someone face-to-face