Serving Jesus in Our Community

Bible Notes

Matthew 2:12 (14.01.22)

Matthew 2:12
12 And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.

I don’t want to stray onto the next bit of the story as I think we’ll be hearing more from there later, but before we leave this story for now, this verse caught my attention. Usually when we think of God talking to use we think about hearing him in some way as we pray, usually a gut feeling or emotion as we pray, a sense of peace or compulsion, or even perhaps an audible voice, or we think of hearing him through the Bible as we read and reflect it. Maybe we also think about him speaking to us through other Christians. Dreams? Perhaps less often. This episode has God talking through dreams, non-Christians (the magi), and science.

Spirit, help me be open to you speaking to me however you chose to do so. Help me keep my ears open and don’t let my expectations limit what I hear.

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