Mark 9:2-8 (NIVUK)
2 After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high mountain, where they were all alone. There he was transfigured before them. 3 His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them. 4 And there appeared before them Elijah and Moses, who were talking with Jesus. 5 Peter said to Jesus, ‘Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters – one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.’ 6 (He did not know what to say, they were so frightened.) 7 Then a cloud appeared and covered them, and a voice came from the cloud: ‘This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!’ 8 Suddenly, when they looked around, they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus.
Reading this again today, I was struck that Peter, James and John were ‘so frightened’. I’m not surprised at that, this was an awesome display that bombarded all their senses with the news that Jesus was God’s Son – in the Christmas story, the shepherds were afraid of an angel, how much more so would you be frightened here. What surprised me was what was missing. Usually when someone falls to the floor terrified like this, they are reassured with the words ‘do not be afraid’, but that’s not the case here. Should we be afraid of Jesus? Certainly, if our only experience of him were this dazzling display, I think we would be, but it isn’t. Jesus comes to us not in all his glorious otherness, but as one of us. That very act tells us that he seeks not our fear but our friendship.
Thank you Father that you have sent us your Son, whom you love, so that we might get to know him.
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