Genesis 21:22 (NIVUK)
…‘God is with you in everything you do.
On Sunday we looked at the encounters between Abraham and Abimelek in Genesis 20 & 21. To me, this verse stands at the heart of them – not that everything that Abraham did was right, of course, but that God was with him in all aspects of his life; his work, rest and play. That God’s Presence and our faith should colour every aspect of our daily life reminded me of the hymn ‘Be Thou My Vision’, and I thought we’d make a change this week and make that the heart of our reflections. Here’s the first verse:
Be thou my vision, o Lord of my heart
Be all else but naught to me, save that Thou art;
Be Thou my best thought in the day and the night,
Both waking and sleeping, Thy presence my light.
‘Be thou my vision’… Becoming a person of faith changes the way we see the world. God invites us to see the world through his eyes, to inform the way we see every aspect of it, to see it as he sees it. This is the fruit of prayer, of reading the Bible, and of letting his Spirit inform and speak to us.
Father, help me see the world through your eyes today, be thou my vision.
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