Being a family is something that is very important to us at Wormley! To celebrate this, we hold a monthly all-age service where we spend the service exploring our faith and learning together. This is usually held on the first Sunday of the month. At the heart of March’s service last weekend, were a series of activities reflecting us on the journey of faith. These included:
- The Invitation Wall – thinking about the invitation God offers us, making our own invitations to represent this,
- The Question Path – provoking us to consider the importance of curiosity, following a path of questions on playing cards laid out on the floor, and
- The Web of Belonging – celebrating the communities we belong to and the family of the church that God invites us into.

Invitations and questions from our all-age service
The ‘Web of Belonging’ involved making an art installation where we weaved pieces of string or material that we each brought from home to a picture frame with a series of strings upon it. This reminded us that we all bring something to the family, and that the family is made up of all types of people who together make something beautiful. You can see the final product in the image above.
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