Bible Reading: Hebrew 10: 22 ‘…let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.’
Thought for Reflection: I hate going through customs, I always feel guilty and worried that I am going to get caught for something I don’t even know I’ve done! I sometimes get a similar feeling about my faith, a nagging feeling that I’m not all that good a Christian, a fear that one day I’ll be found out as a fraud. I don’t pray enough, my Bible knowledge is flaky – never ask me for chapter and verse unless you want to embarrass me and underneath a kind exterior I am self-centred and often grumpy! Do you ever feel that way? If you do, you’ll be glad to know we’re not alone –most of us do from time to time. Actually we’re right to, or at least we would be if our standing depended on our character and accomplishments. The good thing is it doesn’t. Our relationship with God is based upon Jesus’ character, not our own, and that is impeccable! In and through him we can come confidentially before God. Take the ‘nothing to declare’ channel – God has already declared that we are not guilty and welcome in his sight!
Prayer: Help me Lord to know the security that comes from realising that you have declared me ‘good’ and ‘not guilty’ and the freedom to live out the life of love that comes from that.
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