Serving Jesus in Our Community

Virtual Church

#VirtualChurch Service (07.06.20)

This is not the service - that's below!

Welcome to this week’s Sunday service. As always many thanks to all who contributed. If you’re watching this ‘live’ on Sunday morning, do join us for our post-service virtual cuppa & chat afterwards – see the link below the video.

Post Service Virtual Cuppa & Chat
Meeting ID: 841 1930 0736
Password: 127473

Lyrics and music covered through our CCLI Licence:

Video clips free from
Video by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Video by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pixabay
Video by Coverr-Free-Footage from Pixabay
Video by Coverr-Free-Footage from Pixabay
Video by Alexander Lutkov from Pixabay
Video by dae jeung kim from Pixabay



    Thank you very much Ben, Tim , David , Robson and the soul inspiring voices.
    God Richly Bless you All.

  2. Helen Dellar

    Thanks Ben for another chance to join you all for the service and the post-service cuppa and chat this morning. It was good to think about how we see church, and I particularly liked the image of the wild-flower meadow. It is made up of many varieties of plant, some colourful and others quite plain and unimpressive-looking. Together, however, they produce something special, demonstrating just something of God’s diversity and creativity. Together the flowers and grasses form far more than the sum of the individual parts, and each has a vital part to play in the whole.

  3. Rozi Simon

    Lovely service, thank you Ben, Tim, David, David and Robson.
    As I watched the videoclips about what the church means to people, a picture of my grandson came to my mind. He is 11and1/2 months old and he is trying to build with his Lego. He has got a base to build on but he chooses the tallest and with a child’s confidence pushes one piece on top of another. The tower gets taller and it’s harder for him to secure the next piece of lego and eventually it all crumbles, butthe base remains. Then he starts it all over again .
    I imagine the base as a church, supporting us. But over the years, for different reasons, war, political insecurity, now Covid, we all scramble, right to the bottom. But there is the base, the church, we can build on again, lifting each other up . Sometimes like a small child with not yet strong enough hands, nonetheless with confidence.
    Sorry for the “long comment “, I felt I needed to share.
    Praise God for giving us the the “base”, the church.

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