Serving Jesus in Our Community

Church News

Summer Socials

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

Summer Socials

Over the summer holiday season we take a break from many of our regular activities such as the Bible study and prayer meetings, and move all our services to be all-age services to give our Sunday Club leaders’ a break too. Alongside this, we have an increased emphasis on focussing on our relationships with each other. As part of this we run a number of Summer Socials. Here are those planned to date (this post will be updated as the summer goes on):

  • Sunday 16th July – Open Air Service & Picnic with Rosedale Community Church at Cheshunt Park, 11am.
  • Sunday 30th July – Cuppa, Chat & Prayer at the Gymers’, 3.30pm.
  • Tuesday 8th August – Boardgames Night at the church, 8pm.
  • Tuesday 15th August – Table Tennis Evening at the church, 8pm.
  • Date t.b.c. – Treasure Trail around Wormley?
  • Date t.b.c. – Bowling? Crazy Golf?

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