Jesus loved sharing food with others! You might know the story of the wedding at Cana where he turned water into wine, or the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 with only a few fish and loaves, or his going to visit Zaccheaus for tea, or the BBQ he threw on the beach after his resurrection. He knew that eating together is a great way to build relationships and to look out for each other.
Inspired by him, we run a number of activities to try and develop, strengthen and and serve our local community. Many of these also seem to involve food and drink…
It can be hard to make ends meet at the moment, which is why we’re committed to being an active part of Broxbourne Foodbank – our minister was one of its founding organisers. We allow the foodbank to use our church building in Slipe Lane for free Monday to Friday, donate food regularly, and provide volunteers and trustees.

Dominoes at The Drop-In
On Tuesdays we hold our weekly Drop In Lunch. This is a great way for folk to come together over a meal for company, mutual support and dominoes!

Cuppa anyone?
On Wednesday mornings, we run our popular Toddler Group. Pretend picnics and real refreshments are consumed. This has been running for around 30 years and has a great reputation in the area for being welcoming and fun. When the children grow up, our involvement doesn’t stop there as we are also active in our local schools.
Through such activities, we have become aware of the local need for somewhere for those with English as a second language to hone up their conversational skills. In response, we recently started our Conversation Cafe, a chance to chat and share a cuppa.
Prior to Covid, we ran a Cinema Club with the Big Local, with naturally, popcorn available. We’re in conversations about restarting this. We’re also keen to support local community groups through offering our hall for hire to enable them to meet, such as the very popular Saracen’s Cheerleading Group.
To us, activities such as these are just as an important part of our life and worship as our services, prayer group and Bible Study, and it is our hope that by them we show Jesus’ love through our words and deeds.
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