I don’t know if you’ve come across the What Three Words project – it identifies any location in the world by giving every 3m square a unique combination of three words. This is brilliant for where a postal address is no use – such as if you’re lost in the middle of Lee Valley! As an example, I am currently sitting at defeat.fault.baking. Find out where you are at https://what3words.com/
We’re going to go one better. I’m going to give you four words to play with!
Your challenge for this Sunday’s Service is to come up with a short piece of writing (50 words or under). It can be a verse of poetry, a one paragraph saga, or piece of artistic calligraphy, or whatever form takes your fancy; be creative. The only restriction is that it contains and is inspired by the following four words:
Shout, Earth, Forever, People
Let the imagination run riot and let’s see what you come up with.
Contributions by Wednesday please – submit here
Entries will be included in the service, using just first names.
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